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WCC generalsekreterare till verkställande kommittén: ”Hur kan vi vara Guds helande och återställande närvaro”

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It is very easy to get discouraged and to lose hope in the midst of all of these turbulent experiences and disruptions,” Pillay said. Let us continue to work with God to make the world a better place for all people and creation.”

He suggested returning to the vision and mission of the WCC that speaks of Christian unity. It is obvious that in the fellowship our unity in Christ is affected by our current circumstances, allegiances, and contexts,” he said. Unity is not uniformity.”

He also offered an update on the Implementation Plan 2023-2030, as well as on the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity.

He noted that God has blessed us with a rich tapestry of diversity and identities. The WCC remains committed to the task of Christian unity and peace in the world,” he said. We will certainly keep trying our best to foster dialogue and cooperation in the quest for unity and peace.”

The WCC executive committee is meeting to to approve plans and a budget for 2024, and to further develop the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity.

The WCC governing body will also monitor 2023 and the implementation of WCC strategies. 

Report of the WCC general secretary at the executive committee in Abuja, Nigeria

WCC executive committee will meet in Nigeria with eye on Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity (WCC news release, 02 November 2023)