Meeting where one of two atomic bombs that ended World War II landed in Hiroshima, Japan, causing mass death and devastation, representatives from 11 diverse religious traditions gathered July 9-10 for a Vatican-sponsored event to address a latter-day technology also destined, many believe, to upend humanity: artificial intelligence.
Rather than focus on AI’s potential apocalyptic threat, the participants emphasized how this momentous scientific achievement could possibly contribute to building a more ethical world and build peace.
More than 150 people from 13 countries attended the two-day event, which concluded with a signing ceremony of the Rome Call for AI Ethics, a document that lays out principles of transparency, inclusion, accountability, impartiality, reliability and privacy.
The document was drafted before the COVID-19 pandemic by the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Italian government, which collaborated with tech companies that are on the frontier of AI development, including Microsoft and IBM.
The document has since been signed and supported by dozens of universities and other tech companies that agreed to share their insights and knowledge to further a responsible use of AI.

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Jihadiststyrkor intar Aleppo – oro för religiösa minoriteter i Syrien. Följ utvecklingen i stadens öde.