Efter att det republikanska nationella kommittén antog sitt partiplattform för 2024 den 8 juli kände många evangelikala sig överraskade av beslutet att försvaga partiets långvariga ståndpunkt om abort. And the surprise hasn’t stopped, either. The party’s view on marriage is weaker, too. It dropped the 2016 platform that defended husband-and-wife marriage, arguably the bedrock of human civilization and the family. The new platform makes a passing reference only to the importance of marriage, a change that was praised by Log Cabin Republicans, the homosexual group affiliated with the GOP that likely influenced the change.
Den liberala ståndpunkten är stor, särskilt eftersom många evangelikala argumenterar att ”samkönade äktenskap” är moraliskt och bibliskt omöjligt oavsett domstolsbeslut och kulturen. Meanwhile, prominent homosexuals in the GOP include talk show host David Rubin, voting activist Scott Presler, and Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft. One of the party’s biggest big-money backers is billionaire Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder, who is also homosexual. “This is a platform that is inclusive of many communities, including LGBT Americans,” Charles Moran, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, told The Washington Blade. “It promotes the sanctity of marriage, but doesn’t exclude our marriages.”
En otroligt framgångsrik GOP-konvention avslutas den här veckan, vilket kommer efter att en blodig Donald Trump inte bara överlevde en mördarskotts, utan uppmanade amerikanerna att ”fajtas!” Republicans are also watching Democrats flail as top party officials are getting closer and closer to pushing out their nominee, Joe Biden. With all of that positive buzz, some Christians are now wondering about their place in the party.
GOP’s starka ståndpunkt mot abort har funnits i deras plattform sedan 70-talet, men den representerar Trumps inflytande. The lack of a call for a national abortion ban is in line with Trump’s April statement on Truth Social in which the former president said “whatever (the states) decide must be the law of the land.” This is, in fact, what the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2022 when it returned control of abortion to the states. In the Blade story, Moran said Trump did not influence the 2016 platform but credited Trump with changing that ”old platform” to help the GOP in ”major geographic and critical demographic areas.”