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”Kristna förföljs och öppnar sina hjärtan – gripande berättelser avslöjas!”

Kristna volontärer på reträtt i Sydostasien reflekterar över vad Gud betyder för dem.

SEREMBAN, MALAYSIA —Who or what is God in this season?.

Ninety-nine Christians from across Southeast Asia pondered that question as they stared at blank sheets of paper. Their assignment: Write a poem. Draw a picture. Create a word cloud. Do something creative to illustrate what God looks like to them..

They split into groups based on their homelands and languages and spread out across the auditorium and classrooms of the Seremban Church of Christ. They represented 10 countries, from Mongolia in the north to Indonesia in the south, but shared a mission, providing care for disadvantaged children..

A Christian from Myanmar — where violence has become common since the military ousted the country’s government three years ago — drew a smiling, stick-figure king on a throne. “He loves me so much, so he sent me his son,” the Burmese Christian wrote..

Related: A broken leg brings forth angels in Southeast Asia

Steven Tham, a leader of the Petaling Jaya Church of Christ in Malaysia, drew a mended heart under a cross next to the words of Ephesians 2:14, “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”   .

When the groups reassembled in the auditorium, the Chinese Christians were the last to arrive..